Tuesday 6 March 2012

A night at the theatre!

So last week we had a trip to Abbey Theatre, Ireland's national theatre. It was through the cultural society here at UCD and completely free! yay!! My friend Carly and I ventured into the city after our last Irish class (tear) to go see the play, "Bookworms." We were literally front and center. Second row directly in the middle of the stage. It was almost too close. The play was good though I didn't quite pick up on all the humor. Not sure if this is because I'm not Irish or because I'm not middle-aged... but regardless, it was a good night out and now I can say I've been to the Abbey Theatre!

The end of last week marked the begininng of my spring break and last weekend was spent in London with my roommate from last semester, Brooke. It was fantastic and I miss it already. I will definitely update about that tonight or tomorrow but first I need to force myself to be productive!


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