Monday 11 June 2012

Last Weekend in Dublin

 This past weekend was my last official weekend in Dublin and so after I finished all my internship assignments that are coming due, I went out for some exploration. I headed to Parnell Square where the Garden of Remembrance is located. This is a garden dedicated to all those who lost their lives fighting for Irish freedom. It was opened in 1966 on the 50th Anniversary of the 1916 Easter Rising. It was really beautiful. I just wish my Irish class taught me enough that I could've read the poem on the wall. Oh well... Next stop was the Hugh Lane Gallery--or more commonly referred to as the  Dublin City Gallery.They had Monet, Manet, Degas, among other famous artists as well as an exhibit on the period of Irish Home Rule. I had learned about this in my history class so it was interesting to see the art of that time. Unfortunately, due to budget cuts and lack of funding leading to an understaffed museum, half of the exhibit was closed.

 Left: Dublin Spire down O'Connell Street, Right: Parnell Square

 Garden of Remembrance
 Left: poem in Irish, Right: Dublin City Gallery

After seeing everything I wanted to and could see at the Dublin City Gallery, I continued exploring by just walking around Dublin. I am really going to miss this city. It hasn't quite hit me that my time left here is so short. Today was my last Monday of my internship--just 3 days left. Mom comes in 5 days and I will be home in 16! It's unreal. I am dying to come home but I will definitely be sad to leave Dublin behind. Well, I'll just have to live it up while I'm here. And of course, I will definitely be back! The Irish can't get rid of me that easily!


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