Friday 11 May 2012


Well sort of... Yesterday was my last final. The last final of an eternal exam period. We got one week off for studying and then two weeks of exams. Thank goodness I had my internship or I probably would've gone insane. But anyways.. its finally over and I couldn't be more relieved! Now all I have left is the course work that goes along with my internship. Before I get started on that, I decided to bask in the delight of being "done." Today Carly and I took a trip to Phoenix Park, one of the largest recreational parks in Europe where the Irish President lives. It was absolutely beautiful but we didn't go to see the scenery. We went to go to the Dublin Zoo. It took us a while to locate the actual zoo. We found it kind of ironic how we've navigated ourselves through all the major cities of Europe and yet we were struggling finding a Zoo in the middle of a park. But we found it even if we took the scenic route (which was totally intentional...). Now I haven't been to a real zoo since I was maybe 10? I was in heaven. It was great. Absolutely what I needed. We saw everything from obese chimpanzees to sea lions named Flo! I took tons of pictures but I will only put up my favorite animals :)

 Dublin Zoo!!


Afterward, we went back into town and saw a chick flick, The Lucky One. Perfect ending to a relaxing day!


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