Friday 25 May 2012

USA vs. Ireland

For the past couple weeks I've been struggling with home sickness and getting excited about coming home finally. With all but two of my fellow classmates having left over the past two weeks, I decided to dedicate a post to everything I miss about home but also about what I know I'll miss about Ireland. I was in quite a funk for a couple of days until I realized that while three weeks is (and isn't) all that long, I can't rush home because though I can't wait to be surrounded with everything familiar, I will be absolutely devastated to leave Ireland. These past months have taught me more about myself than I ever expected them to. And in the process of traveling, taking classes, working, and becoming more "cultured," I have absolutely fallen in love with Ireland. So this post is dedicated to my two loves: America and Ireland.

Things I miss about home:
  • the USD (and not constantly having to pay atm and foreign transaction fees...)
  • people--family and friends (even though you try to talk as often as possible, being abroad you're almost in a different world where you forget and they forget so its harder to stay in constant communication, you're constantly catching up on everyone's lives)
  • my puppiessssssssssss SO MUCH
  • the sun and warmth
  • my bed
  • our big comfy couches
  • efficiency
  • baking (and having an oven...)
  • working (though I've enjoyed a bit of time off--minus the internship--it is veryyyyyy depressing to have a bank account that is constantly decreasing-- and I obviously miss my GunGun and Brandy dearly)
  • food (other than potatoes)
  • driving
  • the radio and pandora!
  • watching tv on a tv...

My menu requests upon my return (Mom and Dad get ready!):
  • dad's hamburgers
  • grilled steak and zucchini
  • grilled pork tenderloin
  • fish
  • dad's meatloaf 
  • baked mac and cheese
  • chicken divan
  • tuna casserole
  • "Chinese" food
  • tacos
  • chocolate chip cookies
  • brownies 
  • blondies
  • canned green beans
  • cinnamon pancakes
  • french toast 
  • everything....

Things I will miss about Ireland:
  • the friends I've made here and traveled the world with
  • the warmth and hospitality of complete strangers
  • the accents 
  • my internship
  • the mentality--since I am here experiencing this once in a lifetime experience, I am more willing to be adventurous and go outside of my comfort zone whether that's blowing my nerves or my budget, I don't worry as much as I would at home 

I'm trying to get out and explore Dublin a bit more--tomorrow I think Jess and I are going to try to go to the beach since the weather is soooo nice! And I still have my Mom's trip to look forward to! We are traveling all over Ireland so it will be the perfect way to end my time here. 22 days and 33 until HOME!!! Today we moved to our new housing accommodation (strugglefest) which made it feel even closer! Can't wait!


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